At the end of this past Monday's episode, after the credits rolled, something flashed on the screen
that looked like a letter or a list. It was quick. You wouldn't have been able to read it without pausing the screen. Yes, this is what I have chosen to do with the advent of technology like the DVR. I've chosen to wait until the end of a show's credits are done rolling and then see if anything interesting pops up. OK, that's a little bit more about how I've chosen to spend my time as opposed to how I use technology, but it sounds a little more pathetic when I talk about it in terms of myself. Just go with it, will you? Thanks.

So, I rewind and I pause the screen. To my amusement, it was, in fact, a list. And just like the show, it was an imitation of life itself. Let's take a gander at it.
To Do List:
Recalibrate the line behind fiction and reality.
Meditate using new mantra: High ratings do not equate to high self-esteem. High ratings do not equate to high self-esteem.
Go to Al-Anon meeting.
Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying, "No comment."
Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying, "As far as I know, everything's terrific."
Write a country song entitled "Hooker in the Closet". Chorus: There's a hooker in the closet, 'neath the monogrammed robes. Don't know how she got there, and I can't find my clothes. Officer Krooky, how are you tonight? I've misplaced my watch but I'm feelin' all right." Donate royalties to women's shelter.
Quit the business and teach creative writing at Cal State Bakersfield. Fresno?
Bite the hand that feeds you because you've had more than enough to eat.
Hire a publicist to put a positive spin on this vanity card.
Meditate using new mantra: High ratings do not equate to high self-esteem. High ratings do not equate to high self-esteem.
Go to Al-Anon meeting.
Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying, "No comment."
Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying, "As far as I know, everything's terrific."
Write a country song entitled "Hooker in the Closet". Chorus: There's a hooker in the closet, 'neath the monogrammed robes. Don't know how she got there, and I can't find my clothes. Officer Krooky, how are you tonight? I've misplaced my watch but I'm feelin' all right." Donate royalties to women's shelter.
Quit the business and teach creative writing at Cal State Bakersfield. Fresno?
Bite the hand that feeds you because you've had more than enough to eat.
Hire a publicist to put a positive spin on this vanity card.

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