I got this white ceramic nativity scene for $20. There are some chips on the angel but otherwise all the pieces are like new.

A nativity scene, crèche, or crib, is a depiction of the birth of Jesus as described in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Saint Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the first nativity scene in 1223 (a "living" one staged in a cave near Greccio) intending thereby to cultivate the worship of Christ. The scene's popularity inspired communities throughout Christendom to stage similar pantomimes Within a hundred years every church in Italy was expected to have a nativity scene at Christmastime. Eventually, statues replaced human and animal participants, and static scenes grew to eventually include elaborate and ever more elaborate static exhibitions with wax and ivory figurines garbed in rich fabrics set against intricate landscapes. Charles III, King of the Two Sicilies, collected such elaborate scenes, and his enthusiasm encouraged others to do the same. composed of figurines depicting the infant Jesus resting in a manger, Mary, and Joseph. Other figures in the scene may include angels, shepherds, and animals. The figures may be made of any material, and arranged in a stable or cave. The Magi may also appear, and are sometimes not placed in the scene until the week following Christmas to account for their travel time to the event.
Today you can have one as cheap as you like or as expensive as you can afford. Having one that young children can play with is a great way to teach them the story of the birth of Jesus. The pieces need to be big enough not to pose a choking hazard and need to be sturdy, wood or plastic are good materials, so they can be played with. Tell them the story of Jesus birth as you set up the Creche. Repeat the story letting them handle each of the pieces. Repetition helps children learn the story for themselves.
Here are some nice Nativity Scenes in all different price ranges, sizes and materials.

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