Hello, today the 10th post of the new format; GoldyRhox, classic pop rock. Most of the albums i 'll post made many millions for the music industry and a lot of what i intend to post still gets repackaged and remastered decades later, squeezing the last drop of profit out of bands that for the most part have ceased to exist long ago, although sometimes they get lured out of the mothballs to do a big bucks gig or tour.
Now i'm not as naive to post this kinda music for all to see and have deleted, these will be a black box posts, i'm sorry for those on limited bandwidth but for most of you a gamble will get you a quality rip don't like it, deleting is just 2 clicks...That said i will try to accomodate somewhat and produce some cryptic info on the artist and or album.
Two spots of glitter under his eyes before an appearance on Top of the Pops, the ensuing performance would often be viewed as the official birth of glam rock. This band, after it abbreviated it's dinosaur predator name, became commercially successful and basicly a one man show. This their second album from 71 is their classic , it really banged their gong..In the years that followed the band slided downwards as the singer/guitarist succomed to the rock & roll lifestyle of too much booze, drugs and fast food. Not withstanding the birth of a son, Rolan who's mother Gloria (tainted love) Jones was at the wheel of a Mini and drove the pair into a tree, she survived he didn't. ..another one of those "1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die"Goldy Rhox 10 (71 143mb)
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