Now, you would expect such a reading to be rather uneventful. But thank goodness, it was not!
Nope, there was a whack job in the peanut gallery listening to all of this and waiting for just the right moment before making her crackpotness evident to all in attendance. A one 48-year-old (and old enough to know better) Theresa Cao of New York sat and waited until Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) was reading and Article II, Section 1 came up. Do you want to guess what section that is? Go on. I'll give you a minute. Constitution. Crackpots. Protesting. Not yet? What if I threw President Barry into the mix? Ah-HA! You figured it out, didn't you? The aforementioned jackwagon is a birther. Behold!

Good Lord. She even has a sign. Why am I surprised? Moving right along...Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution is the part which requires "...that only a "natural-born citizen" may be president". Yes. We know. But Theresa Cao seized that opportunity to start shouting, "Except Obama! Except Obama! Help us, Jesus!" Yes. Help us, Jesus, indeed. Help save us from folks like Theresa Cao. And as an officer removed her from the gallery, "...she yelled out "My name is Theresa." Thank you, nutjob. We have made a note. Here's another picture of her, complete with her megaphone. Wow, she's really into this isn't she?

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